
People who participate in charity events can feel the difference in the atmosphere. For the lifeblood of charity is made up of the cumulative act of giving.

This is where like minded people gather to freely give their time, effort and money towards the cause without getting anything in return.
It is doing good for the sake of doing good, a defining feature of the human race. Therefore, the essence of charity transcends science and technology in charting human progress, for knowledge is only useful when wielded by those possessing a kind heart.

It is with this in mind that everyone from the HiiChiiKok Foundation would like to extend a huge thank you to all our generous donors, sponsors, volunteers, and visitors who have made everything possible.

Special thanks are also given to teacher Soo Ling who gave English language tuition without fail every week, even during school holidays.
The HiiChiiKok Foundation has been running for a decade.  Many years have flown by yet our resolve remains stronger than ever.

Our aims and goals have always been to provide opportunities to all the children under our care. These come in the form of education, alongside a secure, safe and loving environment to grow up in, and more.

The year 2023 had been a very happening year indeed, filled with joy and laughter. Together, the caretakers and children of the HiiChiiKok Foundation experienced many enriching events, either self-organised or by the many wonderful non-government organisations and charity associations.
More than just sand castles, we build character at the beach of Port Dickson. The children started financial literacy early with the lessons conducted at the charity bazaar held at Aurora Place Bukit Jalil.

During Merdeka, they gave their tributes to our great nation through their songs and artwork. All these and many more coloured the vibrant canvas that was 2023.

With that said, we the caretakers and children from HiiChiiKok Foundation would like to wish everyone a very huge thank you for your unwavering support and love all these years. For more news like this, please click on https://hiichiikokfoundation.com/